Simple Game Making Instructions with Python for Newbies

Using Tkinter Interface

Tkinter is the standard GUI framework for python and comes bundled with Python 3. You can find excellent beginner’s guides here. This tutorial does not focus on Tkinter itself but rather on how to use it to create simple games. The two main utilities we will be using are:
– Canvas:To draw game graphics on the window
– Bind: To capture user inputs/interactions.

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Canvas Utility:

To draw geometric objects on the window, utilize Tkinter’s canvas function. It offers techniques for creating various shapes. For a basic game, the most popular techniques are as follows:
Make_line(): To make lines
Draw circles using Create_oval().
Create_text():To display text on the window
delete(): To take drawn items out of the window

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Bind Utility:

Input from mouse events is received via the use of bind. The binding method allows you to specify the type of mouse click using the following arguments.
Button 1 indicates a left-click.
Button 2: Indicates a center-click
Button 3 indicates a right-click.

The module name is the second argument that the binding method accepts, and the aforementioned arguments are the first. When a mouse event with the given parameter is detected, the module is triggered.

Structure diagram of a Python game

Now that we have a basic overview of Tkinter, let’s draw a basic diagram of a simple game.

After the game has been initialized, it will search for user input (mouse clicks) based on certain game parameters (text, colors, grid size, and other initialization characteristics). The grid positions (the mouse-clicked window’s x, y coordinates) will be translated into logical positions based on the game once they are received. The internal state of the game, which is kept in variables in Python, will then be updated using these logical positions, and canvas methods will be used to update the game’s images. Until the game ends—which will rely on mouse clicks and the internal status of the game—the procedure will be repeated. The game’s outcome will be shown. To allow the user to select whether or not to replay the game, a mouse click event will be added to the result screen.

Code Structure:

We will divide the functions into three categories in order to have a more structured and better code base.
– Functions for initialization
– Sketching out functions
– Logic operations

Initialization functions:

These operations are in charge of establishing the game’s starting conditions. These consist of specifying the drawing frame, binding utilities, initializing images for the game, resetting variables at the conclusion of the game, and so on. The primary purpose of the initialization functions is to set up the game in the event that it is started again or that it has finished and needs to be replayed.

Drawing functions:

These routines, as their name implies, will be in charge of drawing the game’s elements onto the Tkinter display. We will develop specialized high-level drawing features for our game based on the fundamental canvas drawing techniques previously discussed. The game images will then be updated by utilizing these high-level drawing functions as building blocks.

Logic functions:

These routines will take care of the game logic and have nothing to do with the graphics. They consist of, but are not restricted to, keeping track of the game’s progress, getting user input, updating the game’s state, verifying that the current action is legitimate, monitoring the player’s score, figuring out whether the game has ended, and so on.


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